


Lust Store respects your privacy

The information collected on this site is neither transmitted, nor disclosed, nor transferred subject to payment or free of charge to any persons whatsoever.

In compliance with the privacy law of 8 December 1992, you have the right to consult, modify or delete data concerning you at any time.

Principles relating to the collection of data of a personal nature

In principle, access to the information available on or via the site is operated without having to supply data of a personal nature, such as name, postal address, electronic mail address, etc.

In exceptional cases, in order to obtain additional services (request for information, reservation, member space, subscription to an informational newsletter, etc.) it is possible that personal information, basically contact details, will be requested from the user. In this case the user is warned in advance and the data is processed in compliance with the terms of the law of 8 December 1992 relating to the handling of data of a personal nature. In concrete terms, this means in particular that:
  • Your data of a personal nature can be collected and processed only in conformity with the purposes indicated at the time it is collected.
  • You have the right to consult your personal data in order to verify its accuracy and to correct any errors concerning it. For this purpose, you can contact the manager responsible for processing your data, whose contact details appear below.
  • The regional authority undertakes to take the best possible security measures in order to avoid having third parties misuse the data of a personal nature that you have transmitted.

Processing manager

Any request or question relating to the protection of privacy on the site can be asked of us at the postal address indicated on the site, or by electronic mail at the address

Use of information relating to browsing for statistical purposes

When you access the site, the servers consulted automatically collect the following data:
  • the IP address that is assigned during your connection;
  • the date and time of access to the site;
  • the pages consulted;
  • the type of browser used;
  • the platform and/or the operating system installed on the PC;
  • the search engine and the key words used to find the site.
This information is kept only for the purpose of measuring the number of visitors in the different sections of the site and to make improvements to it.

Use of cookies

With the objective of making browsing on the site easier for you as well as to optimise the technical management, Belle Pour Guérir may occasionally be led to use "cookies".

A "cookie" is a small piece of information saved by a web site within the Internet browser of your computer. This "cookie" can be recovered during a later visit to this same site. The "cookie" cannot be read by a web site other that the one that created it. The site uses the "cookies" for administrative purposes in order, for example, to record your preferences for certain types of information, which keeps you from having to repeat the same keystrokes during each visit to our site.

The majority of "cookies" function only during the time of one session or visit. None of them contains information that leaves you open to being contacted by telephone, electronic or postal mail. It is also possible for you to configure your browser to inform you during the creation of each "cookie" or to prevent them from being recorded.
  • Secure payments
  • 24/48h delivery
  • Discrete packages
  • Quality Products
  • Possible return